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Sale of Course Materials

  • What is available

For the past decade we have delivered the following courses (or their earlier incarnations):

  • Business Analysis Practice
  • Requirements Engineering
  • Modelling Business Processes
  • Commercial Awareness

Today we offer for purchase the course pack containing all the materials that our course delegates have received when attending these courses.

  • What you will receive

Each course pack comprises:

  • course notes - a copy of every slide we would show during the course, provided as PowerPoint notes pages with full supporting notes for the majority of slides
  • exercises, with worked answers and explanations where appropriate
  • assorted handouts
  • bibliography

So you will receive exactly what our delegates would have obtained.

Disclaimer: we have to stress that the course notes were not written for self-study; they were always intended to be delivered in a classroom with an instructor. Thus certain features, for example 'builds' on pages, will not be visible. Even so we believe that the content is explained sufficiently to be of genuine benefit to examination candidates.

  • How packs are delivered to you

All materials will be delivered as .pdf files. Once payment is complete we will email the files to you.